
Articles [1]: Young Trends [2]

Posted by Klynton on Jul 09, 2007 - 01:55 PM

Updates [3]

So after having been told by over 20 different people that I should join Facebook [4] 'to keep in touch', clearly not noticing the huge site here for just that purpose, I finally relented and (repressing the giddy feeling that I was a 13 year old kid again) set up an account.

Immediately upon 'inviting' friends to accept me into their exclusive groups I was asked why I only had 1 photo up. Yet the mere suggestion that it is pointless to put them up again, on facebook, when they are hosted here just fell on deaf ears....

It appears a lot of people now use this to keep in touch and while a minor annoyance at having to keep looking at it (coupled with a fresh source of spam emails), I guess it can only improve contact keeping relations.

Also it'll be another site linking back here for google to count in my favour.

Anyway I'll add a link to the page 'here' [5] when I get back from work (well when I can be bothered) and you can marvel at it.

Or rather not as I've probably set it to members only view. Still you can pretend.

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  1. https://www.klynton.com/https://www.klynton.com/index.php?module=News&func=view&prop=Main&cat=10005
  2. https://www.klynton.com/https://www.klynton.com/index.php?module=News&func=display&sid=52
  3. https://www.klynton.com/https://www.klynton.com/index.php?module=News&func=view&prop=Topic&cat=10010
  4. http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=714344318
  5. http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=714344318
  6. https://www.klynton.com/https://www.klynton.com/index.php?module=Users&func=register