Klynton.com Traffic statistics
This site has received 2405583 page views since 04.2002
120 today, and 1043 yesterday.
The day on which there was the most traffic so far was Thursday, October 25, 2007 (15718 page
views), while Tuesday, August 17, 2010 (1 page views) was the day with the fewest hits.
Most people visit on Wednesday, with a total of 368178
page views, while Friday is the day with the fewest visits, with a total of 332617
page views. On average, the busiest hour (with 110947 page views ) starts at 2:00.
The hour during which traffic has been lightest starts at 17:00 (with only 93280 page views).
Internet Explorer |
  3.815% (91778)
Mozilla |
  0.040% (972)
Firefox |
  3.709% (89242)
Netscape |
  64.67% (1555907)
Safari |
  16.25% (391103)
Camino |
  0.001% (32)
Chimera |
  0% (0)
Opera |
  0.369% (8884)
Konqueror |
  0.006% (161)
Epiphany |
  0.000% (23)
Galeon |
  0.000% (7)
Lynx |
  0.006% (158)
K-Meleon |
  0.000% (5)
Search engines |
  0.266% (6420)
Unknown user agent |
  10.84% (260891)
Operating system
Windows |
  13.23% (318333) |
Linux |
  8.724% (209877) |
Mac OS/X |
  0.012% (299) |
Mac |
  0.049% (1196) |
FreeBSD |
  0.000% (5) |
SunOS |
  0.144% (3477) |
  0% (0) |
OS/2 |
  0.001% (47) |
  0% (0) |
Unknown user agent |
  10.84% (260891) |
Visits by hour
1 am: |
  86% (94884) |
2 am: |
  100% (110947) |
3 am: |
  91% (101352) |
4 am: |
  90% (100044) |
5 am: |
  92% (101618) |
6 am: |
  89% (98345) |
7 am: |
  91% (101408) |
8 am: |
  93% (103730) |
9 am: |
  90% (99323) |
10 am: |
  93% (102711) |
11 am: |
  92% (102473) |
12 am: |
  92% (101855) |
1 pm: |
  93% (102758) |
2 pm: |
  91% (100467) |
3 pm: |
  87% (96630) |
4 pm: |
  90% (100262) |
5 pm: |
  84% (93280) |
6 pm: |
  89% (98381) |
7 pm: |
  88% (97273) |
8 pm: |
  87% (96392) |
9 pm: |
  89% (99105) |
10 pm: |
  89% (98696) |
11 pm: |
  88% (97675) |
12pm:: |
  96% (105968) |
Visits by day of the week
Sunday: |
  91% (336613) |
Monday: |
  92% (338326) |
Tuesday: |
  91% (334533) |
Wednesday: |
  100% (368178) |
Thursday: |
  98% (360434) |
Friday: |
  90% (332617) |
Saturday: |
  91% (334876) |
Visits by month
January: |
  94% (218680) |
February: |
  72% (168438) |
March: |
  80% (185662) |
April: |
  78% (180933) |
May: |
  91% (212241) |
June: |
  77% (179399) |
July: |
  86% (199330) |
August: |
  83% (193645) |
September: |
  86% (201587) |
October: |
  96% (224240) |
November: |
  89% (208319) |
December: |
  100% (233103) |
Miscellaneous statistics
Registered users: |
3 |
News stories published: |
75 |
Active topics: |
6 |
Links in web links: |
54 |
Categories in links: |
6 |
News stories waiting to be published: |
0 |